
Актуально: коронавирус и Ваш отдых на яхте


В связи с тем, что многие клиенты сейчас опасаются эпидемии и не решаются бронировать свой отдых на яхте, мы публикуем актуальные меры в связи с коронавирусом COVID-19, которые принимают чартерные компании, чтобы максимально обезопасить клиентов. Читайте подробнее.
New yacht charter base in Madagascar


After a 5 years long break, Madagascar will welcome yacht charter guests again!
New MORECRUISE portal goes online


MORECRUISE releases its new generation interactive web platform for yacht charter with many new and improved functions. Read this article for more details!
Transatlantic and one-way charters 2019


Ask our team for the Atlantic crossing charter offers in 2019 as well as Balearic - Canarian and vice versa one-way offers in spring and autumn!
Want to publish your travel diary?


MORECRUISE would like to give our clients the chance to exchange their yacht charter experiences, helping each other with the choice of the next travel destination, the next yacht model or the next route. Therefore, we start to publish travel diaries of our clients in our blog. All clients are invited to participate!
The MORECRUISE Yacht Sales Consulting Service


MORECRUISE has started to offer independent consulting services for yacht sales including brokerage for sailing and motor yachts, yacht financing and yacht insurances topics.