Good to know when sailing in Croatia

November 28 2018 | 0 comments
Yacht charters and sailing in Croatian waters

Every yacht moored in a port within the Republic of Croatia is obliged to obtain the official vignette (sticker) as well as the verified crew list form for all crew members and passengers. These document shall be obtained before setting out to sea. The documents are issued in a harbour's master's office (croatian: kapetanija).

If you charter a yacht in Croatia, the necessary documents will be prepared for you by your charter agency and the local charter company. At check-in, it is important for you to check that all the documents are on board of your chartered yacht in the original writing!

The official vignette shall be stamped on the vessel in a visible spot. Its counterfoil shall be attached to the crew list.

Each yacht cruising in Croatin waters shall carry the following papers:

- official vignette (sticker)
- verified crew list
- verified lists of other passengers in case of crew change during the cruise
- proof of payment of the obligatory tax for vessels over 5 m length
- proof of seaworthiness of the vessel
- skipper's licence and skipper's VHF certificate
- valid polise for third party insurance
- proof of the yacht's owner, the owner's authorisation for use of the yacht

Entering the Croatian waters by sea

The skipper of a vessel, which has entered the territorial waters of Croatia by sea, is obliged to take the shortest route to the nearest international port in Croatia. In the port, the skipper shall perform bporder crossing formalities, verify the crew list and obtain the correspondent vignette. These formalities are made by the harbour's master in the harbour's master's office (kapitanija) or its branch.

November 28 2018 | 0 comments

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